Looks like the IJAT planets aligned last night as we went out for Mexican and I also went for a "fajita". However, I don't like my fajita the traditional way. I almost always order a Fajita Quesadilla when I go to a Mexican Restaurant. These almost never disappoint, but last nights Chicken Fajita Quesadilla did just that. Usually it is prepared just like a fajita would be but placed inside a tortilla and finished off just like a normal quesadilla. For whatever reason they decided to dice the peppers and onions and it totally changed the texture of this meal. Sure it tasted the same, but visually it was quite different once I cut into it...and somehow that changed how I enjoyed eating it. Hopefully next time they, La Nopalera, will prepare this the "traditional" way and leave the creative stuff for the high end restaurants. If it ain't broke...don't fix it.

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