Rico's World Kitchen in Buford has popped up on IJAT
a few times. This visit was my second and the first time I've been there for dinner. You pull up to a restaurant in an old garage, similar to Watershed in Decatur, but smaller. They were decorated for Christmas, complete with a leg lamp from A Christmas Story in the front window. There was also an automated Santa Claus near our table that went off every time someone walked by. It was scary at first, but between people getting spooked by it and the kids taunting it, the machine became funny. The restaurant was nearly full when we went around 7:30 and was clearing out shortly before we left. There were a few families and a few couples, some old and young, in there for dates or whatever the devil it is those kids do. When it came to picking the food, my eyes were immediately drawn to the specials: Fried Hogwings. WHAT. So we started off with some fried green tomoatoes, had some sweet potato chips throughout, I had the hogwings and my wife had a shrimp boil thing with shrimp, corn and sausage. (VERY diverse menu). It was all awesome. Check out the pics below for individual comments.

Good fried greens. A couple of them were a little hard in the middle, but I'm going to chalk that up to the tomato and not the process. I've had them before and they were mushier - how I like them.
The Fried Hogwings: Fried pork shanks, tossed in a bleu cheese bacon BBQ sauce. Served on mashed poatoes and green beans. FELL OFF THE BONE. It was like deep fried BBQ and hotwings mixed together. I wanted more.
The sexy lamp. |
fwiw, Walgreen's is selling those lamps along with some other Christmas movie items. Had to LOL when I walked in there the other day and saw them up front.